SimplyE and Digital Resource Solutions During the Second Wave

Digital Public Library of America and its partners from Brooklyn Public Library and Alameda County Library will provide an overview of SimplyE, the only e-reading platform built by libraries for libraries, and the DPLA free ebook offering and marketplace. The webinar will include a demonstration of SimplyE, an overview of its benefits to libraries and their patrons; a report from BPL about how SimplyE has been deployed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to increase access; and from Alameda County about how they work with DPLA to provide quality titles to their patrons. The webinar will focus on how libraries can roll out the platform and how getting involved can advance the mission of libraries and improve access for all Americans.

  • MM

    Mary Murray

  • DB

    Daniel Basham

  • CS

    Clara Seeger

  • AR

    Allan Rooms

  • EA

    Emily Anneliese

  • RD

    Rosie Duncan

  • AM

    Alistair Miller

  • JR

    Jaabir Ramlugon

  • GS

    Gary Simon

  • LB

    Lorna Bevan

  • HJ

    Hilary Jeanes

  • MC

    Martin Clift

  • DH

    Drayl Hine

  • NR

    Nick Ratcliffe

  • HB

    Hermionie Blake

  • VW

    Vernon Wilkes

  • MM

    Michael Mead

  • CO

    Cheryl Owen

  • DV

    David A Viniker

  • CF

    Cliff Fernandes

  • QL

    Quentin Langley

  • JM

    Jonathan MacDonald

  • AW

    Albert Wright

  • SC

    Steve Catchick

  • DM

    David McDonald

  • MH

    Michelle Harris

  • JW

    Jamie Willsdon

  • SL

    Simon Leigh

  • BC

    Bridget Coz

  • L


Digital Public Library of America and its partners from Brooklyn Public Library and Alameda County Library will provide an overview of SimplyE, the only e-reading platform built by libraries for libraries, and the DPLA free ebook offering and marketplace. The webinar will include a demonstration of SimplyE, an overview of its benefits to libraries and their patrons; a report from BPL about how SimplyE has been deployed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to increase access; and from Alameda County about how they work with DPLA to provide quality titles to their patrons. The webinar will focus on how libraries can roll out the platform and how getting involved can advance the mission of libraries and improve access for all Americans.